Social and Emotional Learning through Yoga for Children
Make Your Kids
Children are dreamers. Yoga is all about balance, but for children, it’s about celebrating their creativity and compassion. They’ll Believe, Perceive, and Achieve.
the possibilities
Parenthood is not easy. Through emotional guidance that Lan Lan Yoga offers, your children will discover their full potential to express themselves. Life is filled with uncertainty. By directing our children's focus, we empower them to make their own decisions and to do the right thing. Anything is possible when you have inner peace.
the energy of joy
Joy is meant to be shared. It’s not just about having fun with yoga poses. The Lan Lan Fam believes in the powers of self expression and the ability to collaborate with others to thrive in life. We also believe in mutual understanding and respect to build lasting connections with your children. Spread the happiness and love deeper.
Simple 3 Step Process

We believe in using yoga to celebrate the infinite possibilities of children. With our emotional guidance, children can stretch their dreams into purpose. Growing up can be challenging for kids. They are often overwhelmed by information and uncertainty. Let them join the Lan Lan Fam to make the right choices by finding their inner-peace and balance. Rewarding parenthood has never been so easy. Thrive with your kids by spreading positivity with us.
We've taught children all across the US including states like California, Texas, Denver, New Jersey, and Philadelphia. We’ve also reached locations around the world such as Beijing, Shanghai, London, Montreal and Toronto! It has been an amazing journey watching children from around the world join us in celebrating the joy of yoga and mindfulness. It has been a pleasure to share in their laughter, wisdom, and enthusiasm. In the last 2 weeks, over 257 children (& some “Kids-at-heart”) have played games, danced, breathed, and meditated together. Since we started, we have grown immensely and are now hosting classes and events in English, Spanish, and Mandarin. Thank you for your continued trust in us and for helping us cultivate joy and inner peace in children's life.
Jim Luce - J. Luce Foundation (Founder)
“Lan Lan Yoga is a true contribution towards uplifting humanity. Its innovative curriculum harnesses the benefits of yoga, guiding children’s growth in becoming outstanding contributors to their communities.
Social-emotional learning holds great importance in propelling humanity forward, teaching kids at an early age about managing their emotions through success and failure.
Our foundation celebrates the arts and education. We salute the practice of yoga, especially with children, and commend Lan Lan Yoga for its important role in making a difference.”
“Lan Lan Yoga’s tailored curriculum helps kids integrate their mind and their bodies. By teaching kids breathing skills, simple meditation, and body postures, they’re able to develop important self-regulation skills that will promote physical and emotional health throughout their lives.”
Alexandra Mager, LMSW, Mindful BK Coordinator
Emil Vasilev - Total Brain (Director of Finance and Operations)
“Brain Resource’s Neuroscientific Consensus identifies 4 core capacities of the brain: Emotion, Feeling, Cognition, and Self Control. Lan Lan Yoga’s curriculum could enhance these elements for children to maximize their capabilities, expanding children to face more challenges and prepares kids to overcome obstacles”
“A lot of children in this program... get angry so fast... a lot of parents don’t know how to control it or are unable to control it, so this is why I recommend these kids to the program. We had a breakthrough with one of the students.”
Charles Witherspoon - Henry Street Settlement (After-school Service Director)