Lan Lan Yoga is on Tik Tok

We are thrilled to announce that we are on the newest trend in social media with more than 1.5 billion downloads on the App Store and Google Play and over 500 million active monthly users, let’s guess what it is… It’s Tik Tok! 

As we believe in using yoga to celebrate the infinite possibilities of kids, we are always looking for new ways to help kids and parents discover their inner-peace and balance through practicing yoga, and we think that getting on Tik Tok will take it to the next level. So, we are working with our super-creative team to make this happen!

Newly on Tik Tok, we published videos about effective tips and tricks to put your kids to bed and also a breathing technique that will help center your kids. We will keep working and spreading the word in several topics, which help support your kids’ emotional management, such as gentle parenting tips, mindfulness, and creative yoga poses. 

Our video content will be a mix of creativity and knowledge, which will help kids and parents overcome any struggles through mindfulness and movement. 

Take a look at all videos and join Lan Lan Yoga fam on Tik Tok here: (include Tik Tok link)

How to teach kids self-discipline skills

Just because your kids are well-behaved, doesn’t mean they have self-discipline. Learning self-discipline is a life-long process and most kids might struggle with it at various times. Self-discipline is something that can be built and with it almost anything is possible. Self-discipline helps kids resist unhealthy temptations, delay gratification, and tolerate the discomfort needed to reach their long-term goals. From choosing to stop playing video games while learning online, to resisting the urge to sneak an extra candy when mom isn’t looking, self-discipline is the major key to helping kids become responsible adults.

Here are five simple tips to teach your kids self-discipline skills.

  • Provide Structure

Keep an organized, consistent schedule every day and your kids will get used to the routine. When they know what they are supposed to be doing, they’ll be less likely to get derailed by other activities. Plus, a morning routine helps kids know when it’s time to have breakfast, comb their hair, brush their teeth, and get dressed. An after-school routine teaches kids how to divide their time between chores, homework, and fun activities. And this will lead to a consistent bedtime routine, which helps kids settle down and fall asleep faster and easier. 

  • Committed Determination

Persistence and determination are the major keys to success. Parents can teach their kids that seeing a commitment through to completion is a highly important character trait to develop. Outside distractions and changing emotions will always work against their primary focus. However, if parents teach their kids to keep those things at bay and stay on track, it will take them very far in their lives. 

  • Give Consequences

There must be a consequence to failure and it must be enforced. For example, if your kids constantly forget to grab their jacket as they run out the door and you always deliver their jacket to the school. They won’t learn anything from their mistake. Facing the natural consequences of their behaviors might help remember to get his jacket next time. The important thing is don’t yell or try to force them into compliance. They just need to learn how to make healthy decisions on their own, by examining the potential consequences of their behaviors. 

  • Shape Behavior One Step at a Time

Self-discipline is a process that takes time to hone and refine. Age appropriate strategies can be used to shape behavior one step at a time. Instead of expecting a 6-year-old to suddenly be able to finish his entire morning routine without any reminders, try using an illustration chart on the wall that depicts someone getting dressed, combing his hair, or brushing his teeth. When necessary, provide reminders to your kids to look at the chart until they are able to look at the chart and do each task on their own. Eventually, they’ll need fewer reminders and won’t require the chart as their self-discipline improves. Anything your kids are learning a new skill, help them do so one small step at a time.

  • Model Self-Discipline

Kids learn best by watching their parents. If kids see their parents procrastinating to watch TV instead of doing the dishes, they likely tend to pick up on their parents’ habits. It’s important to parents to pay attention to areas where they might struggle with discipline. 

Meta Description: Learning self-discipline is a life-long process and most kids might struggle with self-discipline at various times. Self-discipline is something that can be built and with self-discipline almost anything is possible.

References: Helping children develop self-discipline. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2021, from

How to put your child to bed

Bedtime battles with kids can test a parent’s will power. However, giving in to your kids’ demands or responding negatively won’t help solve your kids’ bedtime problems. Remember, this is part of parenting. You’re teaching your kids an important skill. Be consistent in your approach and consider positive reinforcement strategies, such as setting an attainable goal, creating a daily schedule, or setting a sleep pattern. It’s never too late to teach your kids good sleep habits. The consistent bedtime routine will eventually pay off in a good night's sleep for your kids and also yourself. Here is what the American Academy of Sleep Medicine offers to help kids and teens improve their sleep schedules: 

  • Set a morning wake up time

Good sleep habit starts with waking up at a reasonable hour. Once your kids start waking up at a reasonable hour, everything else follows, and they are more likely to be tired at night. It’s also the best to maintain the same sleep pattern every day of the week, rather than sleeping in on weekends. Being consistent every day is really the key to getting satisfying sleep.

  • Keep a daily schedule

Creating some sort of schedule will help keep your kids on track. Kids should have activities to do and spend some time reading or learning during the day. By having a daily schedule, it helps kids to better regulate their bodies and emotions when their internal clocks are in sync from following a general rhythm each day. 

  • Set regular mealtimes

Mealtimes are directly related to sleep schedule. For example, when kids wake up late, most of their eating is done in the later hours of the day. If parents let their kids eat late, they will end up being hungry at night. So, it’s important to make sure that your kids have breakfast and lunch at reasonable times, to move their hunger cycles earlier in the day.

  • Monitor and limit screen use

Technology is at the root of a lot of sleep issues. Screen time can have many severe effects on kids’ sleep. The research shows the screen use among kids affects lower-quality sleeping time. Watching screens before going to sleep can disrupt the chemicals in the body that help kids sleep. Parents can set the schedule for limiting screen use. For example, turn off all devices by 9 p.m. and only allow devices to be used in the common areas of your home, not in the bedroom. Moreover, don’t allow kids to use devices until their homework is done. 

  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment

Your kids will find it easier to sleep if their bedroom is a place where they feel comfortable. So, it’s important to keep the bedroom device-free and make sure it’s a comfortable temperature for sleeping. By helping your kids feel more comfortable, a nightlight can be decorated in the room, making them feel relaxed and fall asleep easier. One of the most important things is creating a bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or reading before bed. 

Meta Description: It’s important for parents to make sure their kids develop healthy sleep habits. Kids are really resilient and flexible, so parents shouldn’t feel guilty trying to adjust their schedule. Focus on creating a schedule that prioritizes regular meal times, a consistent sleep schedule and limited screen time.You and your kids will see the difference! 


Greenlaw, E. (2020, September 10). Eight tips to get your kids on a good sleep schedule. 

Retrieved February 23, 2021, from

Put preschool bedtime problems to rest. (2020, November 13). Retrieved February 23, 2021, 



Cow Pose

Even though the massive holiday which brings family and friends together just passed, the smell of a feast and happiness still flows in the air. Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, changes each year, but typically falls between January 21 and February 20 annually. Lunar New Year 2021 is on February 12 this year, and in terms of the Chinese zodiac animals, it’s the Year of the Ox

Lunar New Year is a very long festival, so there are many ways to celebrate it. Many people visit family and friends to enjoy meals and exchange gifts, while others travel from abroad for a family reunion. For the Year of the Ox, it will be a special occasion for us. Let’s celebrate this long festival by practicing a cow pose with your beloved one!

The cow pose is a stretch to gently stretch and warm up your spine. This pose also helps improve posture and balance - ideal for those with back pain. The benefits of this synchronized breath movement will help you and your kids relax, easing some of the day’s stress. It is an easy pose, which can power up the brain and improve focus, coordination, and mental stability. 

The cow pose only takes a minute and you can do as many in a minute as you can. 

Here are the instructions:

  1. Begin with a tabletop position, kneeling on all four. Place your wrist under your shoulders and your knees directly under your wrist. As you inhale, lift your bones upward, press your chest forward, and allow your belly to sink.

  2. Lift your head, relax your shoulders away from your ears, and gaze straight ahead. Make the sound of a cow! Moo Moo!

  3. As you exhale, come into cow pose while rounding your spine outward, tucking in your tailbone, and drawing your pubic bone forward.

  4. Release your head toward the floor. Just relax!

  5. Enjoy this pose by yourself or with your kids for five to seven rounds, before coming out of the pose! 

Bring your friends and families to join this pose and learn their bodies!




Cow pose (BITILASANA). (2007, August 28). Retrieved February 19, 2021, from