An Environment of Happiness

By Harsh Dave

The way you treat others reflects the way that you treat yourself. If we treat others poorly, it’s a reflection of the fact that we don’t prioritize our own wellbeing. It doesn’t mean that you’re responsible for another person’s happiness or state of mind. By respecting that your actions will affect them, you can respect their unique journey. By respecting everyone’s journey, you respect your own. 

If you live your life in disruption and act carelessly, all you’ll do is disrupt other people’s journeys. Acting that way shows a lack of respect for where they are going in their lives. If you don’t respect where the people around you are going, then it shows that you aren’t mindful of your own journey, and the path that you’re on. 

It’s not possible to know what the future holds, but regardless of where your journey is leading you, we all deserve harmony. For harmony to exist among people, we must create an environment where it’s possible, and in every moment, we have the opportunity to craft our own environment, and shape our own reality. 

We’re all in pursuit of happiness. We only exist in one moment at a time, and it only takes a moment for realities to shift. Our hearts and our minds can be so volatile, but if we remember to take care of ourselves, and treat ourselves right, we will put ourselves in an environment where we can be happy, even in the hard moments. If we can be happy for ourselves, our very state of being will let others know that they can be happy too.