Highlights from Ancano Live Sessions!

by Bryan Odom

We’re so excited about the feedback we’ve been getting on our newest board game, Ancano!

More and more kids and parents are discovering how fun and fulfilling the game can be.

Over the last few months we’ve live-streamed sessions featuring kids playing Ancano with each other and with parents. It’s clear that both kids and parents agree that Ancano is a lot of fun. 

In a July Live Session, Cameron and his Mom played Ancano! Cameron said, “It was amazing.  It taught me how to solve anger problems”. His Mom liked that it helped them talk about ways to work through anger and to learn to problem solve. Cameron’s Mom is actually a teacher and believes that Ancano can be useful for school teachers. She thinks it can help students and staff to talk about how they’re feeling. 

Talking about our feelings is fundamental to social emotional learning (SEL). Educators around the world are now recognizing that SEL is as important to child development and education as traditional subjects like math and history. In our other July Live Session, K’hari played Ancano with his Mom, Sharelle. “This was awesome”, Sharelle said. “It was a lot of fun. K’hari shared some stuff that I’ve never heard him share before”. The sharing that Ancano inspires can lead to stronger parent-child bonds and can help our kids become more empathetic, calmer and more focused. 

In our Live Session at the end of August, Carly and Ziema played Ancano. Their Mom, Karen, commented that “as a Mom it’s a great tool” because normally discussions about how to manage anger and emotions don’t come up. Having these discussions can make a big difference. The issues and trigger-points that lead to tantrums, blow-ups and arguments can often times be addressed by talking about what we’re feeling and how to deal with those feelings. 

The Ancano Kickstarter campaign is now live! And the campaign was just selected as a “Project We Love” by Kickstarter. Learn more about the campaign and become a backer HERE!